AWS ElastiCache vs Redis

May 19, 2022


Running applications that require fast and reliable access to the database can be challenging. Luckily, AWS ElastiCache and Redis are two powerful tools that can solve this problem. In this post, we will compare their features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you choose the option that best fits your cloud consulting.

AWS ElastiCache Overview

AWS ElastiCache is a managed caching service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale caching for your applications. It supports two open-source in-memory caching engines, Memcached and Redis, and allows you to use familiar tools and languages.

Once you create an ElastiCache cluster, you can use it as an in-memory cache to reduce the number of database requests and improve response time. AWS ElastiCache is highly scalable, and you can easily add or remove nodes to meet the changing needs of your application.

Redis Overview

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a cache, message broker, and database. It was designed for performance, has low latency, and supports multiple data structures, which makes it a great choice for applications that require complex data manipulation.

Redis is highly flexible, and you can use it as an in-memory cache, persistent store, or a publish/subscribe messaging system. Its rich set of APIs makes it easy to integrate with various programming languages and third-party tools.



When it comes to performance, Redis is faster than Memcached. Redis is optimized for in-memory caching, and its in-built data structures allow it to support more complex data manipulation than Memcached.

According to a benchmark test by Redis Labs, Redis can handle over 10 million operations per second on a single node, while Memcached can handle up to 1 million operations per second.


Both AWS ElastiCache and Redis are highly scalable, and you can easily add or remove nodes to match the changing needs of your application. However, AWS ElastiCache has a limit on the maximum number of nodes per cluster, while Redis does not have such limits.


Persistence refers to the ability to store data in case of a system failure. Redis supports persistence through snapshots and write-ahead log (AOF) mechanisms. On the other hand, AWS ElastiCache is a caching service, and by default, it does not support persistence.


Pricing is a crucial factor when it comes to choosing a caching solution. Both AWS ElastiCache and Redis offer pay-as-you-go pricing models. AWS ElastiCache charges for cache nodes per hour, while Redis charges per node per hour. Redis also offers a free tier of service, which includes one Redis node.


Both AWS ElastiCache and Redis are powerful caching solutions that can help improve the performance of your applications. The choice between the two ultimately depends on your specific use case, budget, and performance requirements.

If you need in-built data structures or more complex data manipulation, Redis may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you are already using AWS, and you want a fully managed caching service that supports both Redis and Memcached, AWS ElastiCache is the way to go.


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